School Day
Here you can find important information pertaining to the smooth and productive running of your child's school day:
School Hours
In assessing our 1st year in the new school building, it has been decided through consultation with students and teachers, that the school will move to 1 hour classes from the beginning of the 2024/2025 academic year. The weekly timetable is outlined below.
Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1 08:30-09:30
2 09:30-10:30
20 min 10:30-10:50 Break Break Break Break Break
3 10:50-11:50
4 11:50-12:50
40 min 12:50-13:30 Lunch Lunch. 1/2 Day Lunch Lunch
5 13:30-14:30
6 14:30-15:30
The school uniform must be worn correctly at school, travelling to and from school and at all school functions. Students wearing the SMGS uniform represent the school to the wider community and are expected to behave in a manner which will not bring the school into disrepute. Pupils not in uniform are automatically confined to school grounds irrespective of the content of the note (unless excused by the Principal or Deputy Principal).
Boys wear grey school trousers, blue and white striped shirt, wine coloured tie and blue jumper with school crest.
Girls wear grey school trousers or a grey A line skirt. They also wear a blue and white striped shirt, wine coloured tie, and blue jumper with school crest. No leggings flared or stretch trousers will be accepted. The skirt MUST be knee length and worn with thick black tights. The approved skirt is only available from Buckleys of Shandon Street and has the SMGS logo embroidered on it. Skirts that do not comply will not be accepted.
Shoes must be plain black with no obvious branding, stripes or decoration. Dubarry deck shoes are also allowed.
The school jacket is compulsory for all 1st Yr students in 2024/25 and is the only jacket that may be worn when in school uniform by all other year groups.
Hoodies are not allowed while in school uniform. Coats, jackets, sweatshirts and PE ¼ zips are not permitted to be worn in the school building.
The school tracksuit is only to be worn by students on the day their P.E. class is timetabled, apart from when permission is granted by Management. The PE ¼ zip top is not a substitute for the official school jumper.
Students involved in extra curricular activities MUST be in full PE uniform or full school uniform.
SMGS training gear is not a substitute for either the official school or P.E. uniform and should not be worn in place of either.
Medical certificates must be supplied in incidents of injury etc which may necessitate a student wearing a tracksuit.
Attendance and Punctuality
Please refer to the school hours section at the top of this page. Students should be in attendance at least 5 minutes before these times. Students arriving late to school must be signed into the Late Book at reception and must get their journal stamped with a late pass by the Deputy Principal / Office Staff before they can be accepted into class.
Parents / Guardians must use the ‘late with note’ option on VSware to outline the reason for a student’s lateness.
Regular offenders will be placed on detention.
Attendance and Punctuality
Students of Scoil Mhuire gan Smál are expected to be:
· In attendance every day.
· To be in the correct classroom in time for commencement of each class.
· To eat in their designated areas/classroom during lunch and breaks and to leave these areas clean and in good order.
· To remain on the school grounds during lunch and break, with the exception of those with authorised ‘Lunchtime Passes’.
School Procedures in relation to Attendance and Punctuality
· School begins at 8.30 am and afternoon classes begin at 1.30pm. Students should be in attendance at least 5 minutes before these times. The school main entrance door closes at 08:25am
· Students arriving late to school must report to main reception and have their journal stamped with a late pass before they can be accepted into class. Regular offenders are noted and followed up by DP / relevant Yr. Head on a regular basis with students/parents.
· Parents / Guardians must use the ‘late with note’ option on VSware to outline the reason for a student’s lateness.
· Students will receive sanctions for unexcused absences and lateness in accordance with the SMGS Code of Behavior.
· Parents/Guardians and students are requested to avoid where possible, making medical /dental appointments during school hours.
· A student may not leave school during the school day without permission; If a student needs to attend an appointment, their parent/guardian MUST submit the request in advance on VSware using the ‘partial day’ feature so it can be approved prior to the student leaving school by office staff/relevant Yr. head. The student must present at the main office before being allowed to leave. If returning on the same day, the student must report back to the main office before returning to his/her remaining classes.
· In the event of a student becoming ill during the school day the student must inform the Principal or a Deputy Principal. Contact with home can only then be made once permission is granted from the main office, Principal or DP. It is expected that students will follow the mobile phone policy and not use their mobile devices to contact home unless permission has been received. A parent / guardian must collect the student from the main reception.
· If a pupil is absent from school, the student’s parent/guardian MUST notify the school using the absence for a ‘individual date’ or multi-date’ feature. The National Education Welfare Board requires this.
The Student Journal is an important means of communication between teachers and parents/guardians regarding their child’s progress, development and behaviour. In order that students use their journals properly, we request your cooperation in reading and overseeing the following points.
Students must have their journals in class each day.
Students should place their journal on their desk at the start of every class period.
Homework must be filled in for all subjects each day.
Journals should be checked and signed weekly by a parent/guardian with regard to completion of homework, teacher’s comments, detentions. etc.
Misuse or defacing of the journal will result in its confiscation and the student must replace it at their own expense at a cost of €10.
The journal, in order to keep it in a good condition, should not be used as a folder for sheets etc.
A student attending lunchtime detention must have their journal with them.
SMGS Homework Guidelines: Students can expect to be assigned homework each night.
Students must write down all homework, both written and oral, must complete all homework to the best of his/her ability, must catch up on homework after absence. If absent on school activity, must make every effort to get homework completed. Parents will be informed when students show a pattern of failing to complete prescribed homework. Students may be placed on a Homework Card to monitor progress and seek improvement.
How long should a student spend on Homework:1st Year 1.5 Hours per night / 2nd Year 2 Hours per night / 3rd Year 2.5 Hours per night / TYO Project based with deadlines. 2 Hours per night / 5th Year 3 Hours per night / 6th Year 3.5-4 Hours per night. These are guidelines only and will vary during the year. These include study time, and should increase as school and state examinations approach
Supervised Study
Supervised evening study runs in the school throughout the year. The study days are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Junior students study from 3.45 pm and may leave at 5.45 pm. Senior students study from 3.45pm until 6.45pm. Supervised study application forms along with the rules/guidelines are available through the main office. A fee of €50 for a six week term is paid in advance of the start of the study period.
Special Educational Needs
At Scoil Mhuire Gan Smál we are committed to the achievement of a level of academic excellence appropriate to each of our students. Students can access Resource Teaching if they have an up-to-date Educational Psychological Assessment which should be forwarded to the school as soon as possible.
Existing students are screened by means of our Entrance Assessment Test and further testing by our Learning Support Department. We then prioritise students for further assessment by the National Educational Psychological Service (NEPS). Students who have been assessed by the Learning Support Department and for whom Learning Support is deemed necessary, are catered for by means of withdrawal from French/German class.
Scoil Mhuire Gan Smál offers a comprehensive guidance counselling service to all its students, assisting them in developing self-management skills leading to effective life choices and decisions.
Junior Cycle students are introduced to the concept of a career and begin learning career research skills. Aptitude testing and subject choice are both part of the 1st and 3rd year guidance programme.
Senior Cycle students individually meet with the school Career Guidance Counsellor and discuss their future options. They take classes in many areas of vocational preparation e.g. careers information, research skills, Interest Inventories, CV and interview preparation etc. They also attend a variety of college Open Days and careers exhibitions.
Both Junior and Senior Cycle students attend study skills classes throughout the year Individual appointments are available to all students who wish to discuss something of a personal nature.