SMGS presents ‘Angus Afternoon’
On Tuesday 16th of January an 'Angus Afternoon' was organised by four TY students, Nathan Batchelor, Brian Osborne, Barry Mc Carthy and Edward Murphy from Scoil Mhuire gan Smál, Blarney. Their group is called Loughane Angus. These students have progressed to the next stage of the 'Certified Irish Angus Beef School Competition'. During the afternoon, there was an Angus calf present and activities included 'Pin the tail on the Angus' game (not the real life Angus!) Angus Vs non Angus burger tastings and an Angus drawing competition for all First Years.
To aim of the 'Angus Afternoon' and the competition is to further increase awareness of Certified Irish Angus beef amoung consumers and to promote the benefits to farmers and their families, the Irish Angus Producer group along with its processor partners, ABP and Kepak has devised a fantastic schools competition for Transition Year students around the country.
Scoil Mhuire gan Smál, Blarney would like to wish Loughane Angus the very best of luck in the next stage of the competition, an interview, next Tuesday.