Road to Malawi
On the 9th of May, 1st and 4th Years will take part in a charity walk. The charity walk is in aid of The Surgeon Noonan Programme . A past pupil , Ciara Costello , will be travelling to Malawi to volunteer in St. Gabriel’s Hospital . The money raised from the charity walk will go towards this hospital and such things like building a new surgical theatre , paying medicine bills for the hospital and eye clinics . St. Gabriel’s hospital was established in 1959 and has developed in to a 290 bed hospital ( 800 in CUH ) .
Before we set off on the walk there will be fun warm-up activities on the basketball courts , with the appearance of a surprise guest . Students should expect a few surprises during their walk!!! Once finished, music and refreshments will be provided back at the school . The minimum entry fee is €2 and any extra donations will be greatly appreciated .
It will be a great day for all , hope to see you all there !!