SMGS School Digital Champions travel to Google Headquarters
Well done to the students who travelled to Google Headquarters in Dublin today to showcase the projects they produced as part of the School Digital Champions Programme. SMGS was well represented with four groups showcasing their work. Students met Minister for Digital Development Seán Canney as well as representatives from the Department of Communications to explain the ways in which they have used digital technology over the past year to promote sport, mental health, work experience options and reducing plastic waste in SMGS. The School Digital Champions Programme will be open to all students in SMGS next year. It is aimed at students interested in promoting digital technology, developing apps, coding, web development and video editing. If interested, feel free to speak to Iníon Uí Ríordáin to find out more. 📱💻⌨️🖥
Here is a link to a video developed by one of the School Digital Champions groups. It is a short video highlighting 'Student Understanding of Positive Mental Heath'. Many thanks to students who took part in the video for their insights and honesty on this important topic.