SMGS - Use of VSware app for 2023/24

Dear Parents/Guardians

Scoil Mhuire gan Smál, Blarney is changing how we manage attendance in school.

  • Traditionally if a student was ill or was due to be absent from school for another reason, Parents/Guardians usually sent an email to the relevant ‘absences’ email of the Year Head.

  • If a student was arriving late a text was sent to the school phone to explain same.

  • If a student was leaving school during the day, a text was sent to the school phone.

These methods will now be phased out.

We are now centralising this process through the 'Attendance' section of the VSware App which is a quick and efficient method for parents and indeed for the school.

From November 1st 2023 – The VSware App will be the only method to submit:

  • An explaination for student absences using the ‘individual date’ or multi-date’ feature,

  • An explaination of lateness using the ‘late with note’ option.

  • A request for a student to leave school during the school day using the ‘partial day’ feature.

We would really appreciate your cooperation with this new system once the new academic year starts in late August.

Clear instructions on how to do this is clearly outlined in the following link.

Here is the guide for parents using attendance features

Attendance and Punctuality

Students of Scoil Mhuire gan Smál are expected to be:

  • In attendance every day.

  • To be in the correct classroom in time for commencement of each class.

  • To eat in their designated areas/classroom during lunch and breaks and to leave these areas clean and in good order.

  • To remain on the school grounds during lunch and break, with the exception of those with authorised ‘Lunchtime Passes’.

School Procedures in relation to Attendance and Punctuality

  • School begins at 8.35am and afternoon classes begin at 1.30pm. Students should be in attendance at least 5 minutes before these times. The school main entrance door closes at 08:30am

  • Students arriving late to school must report to main reception and have their journal stamped with a late pass before they can be accepted into class. Regular offenders are noted and followed up by DP / relevant Yr. Head on a regular basis with students/parents.

  • Parents / Guardians must use the ‘late with note’ option on VSware to outline the reason for a student’s lateness.

  • Students will receive sanctions for unexcused absences and lateness in accordance with the SMGS Code of Behavior.

  • Parents/Guardians and students are requested to avoid where possible, making medical /dental appointments during school hours.

  • A student may not leave school during the school day without permission; If a student needs to attend an appointment, their parent/guardian MUST submit the request in advance on VSware using the ‘partial day’ feature so it can be approved prior to the student leaving school by office staff/relevant Yr. head. The student must present at the main office before being allowed to leave. If returning on the same day, the student must report back to the main office before returning to his/her remaining classes.

  • In the event of a student becoming ill during the school day the student must inform the Principal or a Deputy Principal. Contact with home can only then be made once permission is granted from the main office, Principal or DP. It is expected that students will follow the mobile phone policy and not use their mobile devices to contact home unless permission has been received. A parent / guardian must collect the student from the main reception.

  • If a pupil is absent from school, the student’s parent/guardian MUST notify the school using the absence for a ‘individual date’ or multi-date’ feature. The National Education Welfare Board requires this.

Cathal Dodd