1st Yr Parent Teacher Meeting.
A reminder that the 1st Yr Parent Teacher Meeting will take place next week on Tuesday 5th March 2019 from 3.45pm-6.15pm.
Teachers will be situated in Room 1 and in the Main Hall, seated in alphabetical order. 1st Yr students will be given an info sheet on Monday 4th to take home, outlining the list of their teachers and their location for the parent teacher meeting.
Students will also be given a sheet relating to GDPR compliance which needs to be read, filled in and signed off by parents/guardians.
Arriving at the parent teacher meeting, Parents/Guardians are asked to bring in the following:
Your son/daughter’s Christmas report
Info sheet regarding list of teachers and their locations
Completed and signed GDPR sheet (Can be given to any member of management)
Classes will finish at 3.15pm with supervised study starting @ 3.30pm.
All 1st Yr parents are encouraged to attend. Last appointment is 6pm.