Christmas Holidays in SMGS Blarney.
Scoil Mhuire gan Smál would like to wish all pupils and their families all the very best for the Christmas Holidays. Holiday greetings also to all of the Staff in SMGS.
All 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Yrs will finish @ 3.30pm on Tuesday 21st December.
1st Yrs will finish @ 11:30am on Wednesday 22nd December.
The school will reopen on Thursday 6th January 2022.
Christmas results for all years inc TYO module results will be made available online over the Christmas period. A reminder text will inform parents of this. Once you login you can view your son/daughter’s results under Term Reports.
Keep up to date with progress on our new build and all of our activities by following our school Instagram page.