State Exams for Junior / Leaving Cert Students.
Wishing all of our Junior and Leaving Cert students the very best in their upcoming exams. All you need is to believe in yourself.
Some Important Info:
Exams begin tomorrow Wednesday 5th June. Please arrive in school by at least 08.45am in order to locate your exam centre, sign in and get organised.
All students are requested to be in FULL uniform and conform fully with our Uniform and Appearance Policy.
Mobile phones / apple watches etc are not allowed in any exam hall. They are to be left at home or in Room 1 at students own risk.
Bags, coats etc can be left in Room 1 during exams, which will be locked during exams.
No lunch facilities available in the school. Students are requested to leave the school building once their exam is over and not remain around the building outside, in ear shot of other exam centres.
Students are requested to clear out their lockers ASAP.
Students are encouraged to remain in their exams for as long as possible.