Pre Exams for Junior and Leaving Cert Students

SMGS Pre Exams begin next week. The timetables are attached below and can also be downloaded from our website in the SCHOOL LIFE section under EXAMS.

Payment for Pre exams, which can be paid online through VSware, is now overdue for some students. Please contact the office if there is any problem.

Usual school rules apply during the exams regarding Uniform / Appearance and Attendance, where parental/guardian consent for absences/leaving school are required as per normal. Students are expected in school each morning on time. If they have no exam, students should use the time to study in their allocated position in the exam halls.

Junior Certs - Classes as normal until exams start on Wednesday 6th February.

Leaving Certs - Classes as normal for all students on Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th February except for those students sitting LCVP, History or Economics. All exam centres will be setup Tuesday evening and will be in use for the duration of the exams.

3rd Yrs who have a lunch pass and 6th Yrs who are allowed out of school @ lunchtime should be aware of earlier start times of some afternoon exams/aurals.

Cathal DoddComment