SMGS Junior Girls’ Basketball match Vs St Als Carrigtwohill

On Wednesday Feb 6th our second year girls’ basketball  team played St. Als, Carrigtwohill in Upper Glanmire. We had a flying start with a five point lead over over the opponents coming to the end of the firsts quarter. The girls settled in well and worked as a team to comfortably keep  St Als away from the boards. With a strong performance from Michelle Ugwah and an individual score of eight points we felt confident that we would do well against this tough team.

In the second quarter, we were faced with a tougher challenge. Things did not go our way and just as the quarter was coming to a close  St. Als scored some quick baskets and took the lead with a score of 16-11 coming into half time.

Fortunately, our performance improved in the second half and we gained a nine point lead by the end of the third quarter. Thanks to great ball carrying by Izzy McSweeney, who steadied our offense and found Saoirse Breen under the basket who scored 8 very valuable points.

Heading into the final quarter, the pressure intensified with St. Als putting in a strong performance to pull us back to a tie. It was an exciting point for point quarter up to the final whistle which resulted in a draw of 32-32. Extra time tested our resilience and nerves as the girls fought hard to attain a win. The final score was 38-36.

Well done girls on a hard fought triumph. Keep up the good work in the remaining two matches in the league.

Grainne O'RiordanComment