Academic Year 2019 / 20 begins......

Just a few updates for all parents and students returning to SMGS Blarney soon ........

*** Note School Buses will run from Monday 26th August ***** 

Returning Dates :

THUR 22nd -  1st Yr and TYO  (08.35am until 12.50pm)

FRI 23rd -  1st Yrs and 5th Yrs (08.35am until 12.50pm)

MON 26th - 1st Yrs, 2nd Yrs, 5th Yrs and 6th Yrs (08.35am until 15.30pm)

TUE 27th - All students attending for a full school day (08.35am-15.30pm)

All of these dates and all relevant school info appear on the school app and website. The 2019/20 SMGS academic calendar can be viewed in the app / downloaded from the website in the parents section under calendar & events.

Please apply recent update to school app from the app store to view new and improved interface and please register your personal details for upcoming additions to the app re uniform, attendance etc.

1st Yr students are advised to bring a light bag for the first few days. A bite to eat, pencil case, a few copies along with a decent sized padlock for their lockers will be sufficient. Once their locker has been allocated, the rest of their school books can be brought in as needed and organised with the help of their tutor.

All other students are advised the same but must have their re registration paid before they will be given their school journal and allocated a locker.   Re-registration payments will only be accepted online through VSware. Information will be sent via text shortly.

The school office needs to be informed ASAP of any change of contact details or postal address for parents/guardians.

A final reminder to all students to adhere to the school uniform and appearance policy as outlined in the Parents section of the app and website. Please take the time to read this section to avoid any issues at the beginning of the school term.

Reminder re O’Neills PE Gear sale - Wednesday 14th-Friday 16th August from 9am-6pm in the Main Hall.


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Cathal DoddComment