Back to school info 2019/20.
A reminder that the O’Neills PE gear is still on sale in the Main hall until 6pm today Friday 16th August for any student wishing to purchase items. Quantity of 2nd hand PE and uniform items also available. (Donations to Marymount Hospice). Embroidered items will be returned to students in school approx 4th September.
Lost and found items inc clothes, books and gear are currently stored in Room 14. Once the school term resumes, students will have until Friday 30th August to reclaim items. After this date all items will be recycled/given away to charity.
Texts have been issued in recent days regarding the payment of school registration on VSware for the coming academic year. Please save your username+ password for ongoing access to VSware in order to view timetables, attendance, term reports and to make any further payments.
The payment of €80 covers costs including the school journal, 24 hr student insurance, student locker, photocopying, text messaging service, subsidising buses along with the provision and management of school ipads.
Payment please by Thursday 22nd August 2019.